Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 1


Kell prowled restlessly through the great hall like he owned it.  He had been summoned by the Council, but abhorred being ordered away from duties he deemed more important.  He was a warrior prince who commanded thousands of men.  Kell’s time was better served training his army and keeping his kingdom safe than sitting at a meeting with the royal members of the other kingdoms.  It was something he loathed, and as he forcefully thrust open the doors with his massive arms, the scowl on his face let everyone in the chamber know exactly how he felt.

Kell was the prince of Knightshire.  His kingdom was one of the larger ones in the realm of Terrasen, but he left the ruling of it to his parents.  Kell preferred being on the front lines rather than relaxing on a throne, wearing fancy clothes, and throwing lavish balls.  His parents relished that side of royal life, but until the time came when he was forced to step in, he was content to leave it to them.

There were four kingdoms in the Terrasen – Knightshire, Larkinge, Kilharbor and Fairrest, and each kingdom had a ruling family.  All of the royal members glanced up when Kell’s massive frame stepped into the chamber.  At six-foot-four he towered over everyone, and his heavily muscled body intimidated even the fiercest of men.  Kell commanded everyone’s attention, and they readily gave it.

He remained silent and detached, making his way to the chair beside his father and dropping into it.  His father scowled at him, presumably for the tardy entrance, but Kell ignored him.  Both of his parents thought it was high time Kell stepped into the role of future King, but he flatly refused each time the subject came up.  It was a bone of contention between them, and one that had been going on since his twelfth birthday.

Kell turned away from his father and looked toward his brother Thane who was seated directly on his left.  He wasn’t surprised to find Thane grinning, basking in Kell’s agitation.  Thane knew how much Kell hated formal meetings, and found his brother’s attitude highly entertaining.  Thane was four years younger, and would have been delighted to take on the role of future King.  Thane was well versed, had an air of authority about him, enjoyed socializing, and had a quick whit. However, tradition dictated that the first borne son gain the throne, so there was nothing either of them could do about it.

Kell jerked his chin up at Thane in greeting, then glared at the man at the head of the room who chose that moment to obnoxiously clear his throat.  The councilman was evidently fixed to begin, but Kell despised the way he went about it.  A simple spoken word would have had the same effect.  But Councilman Gelding was a man who flaunted his authority, and enjoyed being in the limelight.  Kell’s arrival had obviously stolen his thunder.

“Gentleman,” a pause, “and ladies,” was added by the ass as an afterthought.  “I have called you here today because of a grave matter that needs to be discussed.”

Kell looked to the ceiling in irritation as he caught Thane’s snicker.  Everything was a grave matter of importance to Councilman Gelding and it was wearing on Kell’s nerves.  Kell had been called away from his men on three separate occasions this month, and none of the matters discussed had been dire.  Gelding was simply flaunting his authority once again.  Several of the royal families present had travelled great distances to be here, and Kell could clearly see they were just as fed up as he was.

“Please,” Councilman Gelding implored as he raised his palms in surrender.  It was obvious the man was reading the vibe in the room and treading delicately.  “We have put this matter off far too long and it must be addressed.”

Kell’s enormous frame locked as instinct told him he wouldn’t like the news the councilman was about to reveal.  He felt Thane’s eyes shoot to him and knew his brother’s thoughts were heading in the same direction.  It was confirmed the minute Gelding smiled directly at Kell. It was a smug smile, and one Kell wouldn’t mind ripping from the councilman’s face.

“As the first born in over a hundred years with the power to wield the elements, it is high time Prince Kell accepts a bride,” the ass demanded.  “He has been putting this off for four years, and it is time he relents to safeguard both his kingdom and Terrasen by taking a bride and receiving the full gifts of power that a union beholds.”

The last Elemental Prince was born a hundred years ago.  Like Gelding was attempting to do now, the prince had exploited his power and used it to manipulate the realm.  Unfortunately, this power was more than just the bite of his tongue.  An Elemental holds the power of the elements.  He can command and wield the earth, air, fire and water.  An Elemental is born into one of the four royal families, and carries that power until he dies.  Upon his death, a new Elemental will rise, and the immense power is passed down.

Kell was born with that very power, and after waiting a hundred years, the council and the royal families were eager to see it come to light.  Kell had a substantial amount of power already, but with a union, his full power would be unleashed.  He would then be obligated to use such power justly, or it would be stripped away for another hundred years.

At this point, even without a union, Kell was still the most powerful man in Terrasen.  Despite only being a prince, the elemental forces within Kell elevated him above all the royals and the council members.  He had the authority to overrule them all if he deemed it necessary, and there wasn’t a damn thing they could do to stop him.  Of course, with such a loathing for politics, Kell rarely used that power.  He was content to let things be as they were.  Now however, was not one of those times.

“I refuse to take a bride now,” Kell growled as he glared at Gelding.  “Don’t you have more pressing matters than this to discuss?”  When Gelding rudely huffed, Kell lost his barely contained patience.

“You were supposed to take a bride at twenty and five years of age. Now that you are twenty and nine, you have had four extra years to fulfill your duty and have yet to do so.  The moment has come for you to fulfill your duties.  The kingdoms are at odds and only the true Elemental can bring them to heed,” Gelding pushed.

“The Kingdoms are at odds because the royal families quarrel,” Kell countered on a growl.  His gaze scanned the chamber and paused on each individual present to drive home his point.

“Because there has not been an Elemental in such a long time, they grow frustrated with your refusal to step up and gain control,” Gelding shouted as he flung up his arms impatiently.

Kell narrowed his eyes and let his temper show.  “So, you are placing this problem squarely on my shoulders?  It is my fault the Kingdoms are being petty and discrepancies over borders, trading rights and such are growing because I have not taken a bride?”

“Kell,” his mother interrupted in a soothing voice, but Kell’s raised hand stopped anything further she might have added.

“It certainly isn’t helping,” Gelding bravely replied.

“There are four kingdoms in Terrasen,” Kell snarled.  “Only one has females in their bloodline, one of which is too young to consider.  Who the hell do you expect me to marry?”

“Well, the princess of marrying age,” Gelding quickly acknowledged, and Kell heard her entire family suck in their breath.  Obviously, this question revealed his own thoughts on that particular union.

The King of Kilharbor pushed back his chair and stood, gaining Kell’s attention.  He held his temper, but Kell knew he was angered by the set of his jaw.  “My lovely daughter Seraphine would be honoured to be your bride.  As the sole option in this predicament, she will rightfully take her place at your side.”

“Wonderful,” Gelding smirked at the same time Kell bellowed “not bloody likely.”  All eyes swung to him in surprise.

“I’ll marry a commoner before I marry Seraphine,” he declared.  Kell agreed that the princess was beautiful, but beyond that beauty was a calculating and cold woman.  She belittled everyone.  She hired men to hurt those she felt wronged her.  And she had more lovers than was respectable.  There was no way in hell he would let Seraphine anywhere near the power she would wield if she became his bride.

“You cannot pick a commoner,” Kell’s father carefully reminded him.  “The power will only come to light if you marry a royal.  You have little choice.”

“You must marry me,” Seraphine announced smugly.

“There is another option,” King Lorcan of Fairrest sighed as he calmly lifted his head and interrupted.  When Kell raised his brow in question, the man pushed back his chair and stood, then offered a hand to his Queen, Katerina, to stand beside him.  It was a clear sign of solidarity and respect, and Kell admired the King for it.

The King and Queen of Fairrest were well liked and treated their subjects more than fairly. Kell was always open to what they had to say, and was confident the pair would offer a resolution to rid him of this headache.

“As you know, our daughter Emmalyn disappeared when she was just a small baby,” Lorcan forced out.  “There were several attempts made on her life and we feared for her safety.”

“Yes, and she was killed,” Gelding pointed out.

“We never claimed she was killed,” Lorcan reluctantly admitted.  “Everyone just assumed the worst, and we thought it best not to correct them.”

“You lied to the council and the people of this realm,” the King of Kilharbor accused, slamming his fists on the table.  “Give up your crowns and renounce your throne.”

Queen Katerina gasped, but her husband’s entire body tensed in affront.  “You have no right to make such a demand.  My daughter’s safety was paramount.  I cannot be held accountable for what people think or believe.

Kell rose and stepped back from the table, shifting closer to the royal couple.  “Where is the princess now?” he questioned as gently as he could.  “I gather she survived?”

“She did,” Lorcan acknowledged.  “But we sent her to another realm to keep her safe.”  At that moment, the entire chamber erupted in chaos.